Saturday, July 25, 2009

Park Moabi Trip

We spent a July 17-20 camping at Park Moabi on Colorado River with Ericka, Russ, Stephanie, Vince, Nicole, Lisa, Josh & Christy and Josh's family and friends. It was 118 degrees during the day, so we pretty much lived in the water. Friday and Saturday we hung out at the sandbar north of Havasu. While at the sandbar, we ran into a one of Adam's high school friends and hung out with them on Friday and Saturday and had a blast. Sunday we made our way down the river to Lake Havasu to do some tubing and Monday we relaxed at Park Moabi and Russ and Adam did some wakeboarding. We had great food, great friends and a fabulous time!

The boys

Russ & Lisa
Lisa & Nicole
The girls Adam (and our new boat!)
Beer PongThe groupAmber & Russ

Chillin on the beach after dinner

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th of July

We celebrated the 4th of July with all the traditional stuff...swimming in Don's pool (thanks Don!) and then BBQ and fireworks at my parents house with the family. Long weekend, but thank goodness we had Sunday to recover.
The boys took turns seeing who could hit the other one in the face with the ball.

Enjoying the pool.
Cousin It and Eddie Munster
Ricky excited about being at Grandma & Grandpa's house (and looking for trouble).
Ozzy being the sweet dog that he is.

Lucy terrified that Ricky and Ozzy might get her, so she hangs out on the top of the couch.
The firework officials (and bomb makers).
Amber & AdamRuss & Ericka


Adam and Russ playing with fireworks and the camera...A for Adam

R for Russ

Amber & Nicole's Birthday

July 3rd was my 28th birthday and Nicole's 24th birthday. To celebrate, we spent a great day at Glen Ivy with my mom, Ericka, Karrie and Lindsay. We had a great time lounging in the sun in our bikini's all day. After Glen Ivy, we picked up the boys and headed to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner and then a night of bowling, in which Matt kicked our butts! But we had a blast.