Monday, December 13, 2010

Stella & Santa

Stella's 1st picture with Santa...but really her 2nd because in the 1st one we took at Victoria Gardens, she looks frightened, so we tried again at the Shoppes a few days later with much better results.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Adam and I attended a Zombie Prom Halloween party on Friday and Stella was a little bumble bee.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Stella at 6 Month's Old

I can't believe that Stella is 6 months old already. It seems like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant. So last week, we had her Auntie Ericka take a photos and of course we had to have a few wardrobe changes. Here are some of my favorite. The last couple pictures are an outfit that my Aunt Barbara made for me when I was a baby and my mom kept and gave to me when I was pregnant with Stella.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Philadelphia & Gettysburg

A few weeks ago, Adam, Stella and I, along with my parents, traveled to Philly for a mini-family reunion with my aunt and cousins and all of our kids. We also made a trip to Gettysburg to see Adam's dad and step-mom. We had so much fun visiting family that we don't get to see often enough as well as enjoying the sights of Philly and Gettysburg. Stella had her first plane ride and first train ride. At 6 months old, she has already been on a plane, train, bus and boat. She is a lucky little girl that gets to experience a lot.

Stella was such a good traveler. I am so proud of her.

On the Gettysburg, PA Battlefield Tour. Since I was in a wheelchair, I didn't get off the bus.

In Independence Hall in downtown Philadelphia.
My cousin Kathy and Stella

At Valley Forge

Stella and I with my cousins Kathy and Jennifer and their kids David, Felicia and Alexandra. Trying to get a group shot was almost impossible when the all the kids wanted to do was play.
My parents at Gettysburg
Stella and my Aunt Barbara
The girls. Best we could do with a 6 month old and two 3-year-olds.

View from the train ride through the Pocono's
Everyone ready for the train ride.
The had a special lift for the handicapped<---me
At Valley Forge, where Washington's troops stayed during the winter of 1777-1778. The house behind us is where George Washington stayed.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Stella's 1st Food

A few days ago, we gave Stella baby food for this first time. This is her first reaction. She is much better at it now, but this was just too funny not to share.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Moabi 2010

Last weekend, the Eloff's and Guizado's (and Matt & Nicole for a day) spent the 5 awesome days on the river camping at Park Moabi (between Laughlin and Lake Havasu). This is the second year we have camped here and I hope we can make it an annual trip. Despite my broken foot, I had a great time thanks to my water cast (thanks Patti!) and I had plenty of help with Stella. We had five great days of wake boarding, boat rides, beer pong, hanging out in the water and just enjoying being at the river.

and this was not even all of it

The girls
Our beach

Stella and daddy

It was Ericka's birthday, so we made cupcakes for her.

Being cheezyThanks to the water case, I had a good time too.Stella rocked out to the music in her bouncerFriendly game of beer pongStella lovin the boat :)Napping with Stephanie after a long day on the boat.Relaxing with drinks at the sand bar.

Can't wait until next year!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Rolling Over and a Broken Foot

Not much going on since my last post because I broke my foot! So we have not been doing much lately other than laying on the couch. It has been two weeks since I broke it and I finally had surgery on Friday. The doctor had to put two screws put in to fix my broken bone and I am finally on the road to recovery. Summertime is the worst time to break a bone :( But at least I got a pretty purple cast thanks to the awesome nurse at the hospital.

Big news for Stella...she can roll over now. And everytime we put her on the ground she rolls over. She also scoots herself forward with her feet while on her tummy. I think she will be crawling before we know it.

While Adam was traveling last week, Stella and I stayed with Russ and Ericka. Stella had a great time hanging out with her aunt and uncle.

Posing for the camera. Such a doll!Sleeping Beauty.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Adam's Birthday

For Adam's 31st birthday, Russ, Ericka, Adam and I went to the Dodger game. The Dodgers lost, but we still had a blast (especially since Andre Ethier was right in front of us!).

Amber & Ericka

Russ & Adam
Look how close we were to Andre! He is such a cutie!Adam and Amber
Adam had to bring something home for Stella. Hopefully she can go with us next time.