Sunday, August 22, 2010

Rolling Over and a Broken Foot

Not much going on since my last post because I broke my foot! So we have not been doing much lately other than laying on the couch. It has been two weeks since I broke it and I finally had surgery on Friday. The doctor had to put two screws put in to fix my broken bone and I am finally on the road to recovery. Summertime is the worst time to break a bone :( But at least I got a pretty purple cast thanks to the awesome nurse at the hospital.

Big news for Stella...she can roll over now. And everytime we put her on the ground she rolls over. She also scoots herself forward with her feet while on her tummy. I think she will be crawling before we know it.

While Adam was traveling last week, Stella and I stayed with Russ and Ericka. Stella had a great time hanging out with her aunt and uncle.

Posing for the camera. Such a doll!Sleeping Beauty.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Adam's Birthday

For Adam's 31st birthday, Russ, Ericka, Adam and I went to the Dodger game. The Dodgers lost, but we still had a blast (especially since Andre Ethier was right in front of us!).

Amber & Ericka

Russ & Adam
Look how close we were to Andre! He is such a cutie!Adam and Amber
Adam had to bring something home for Stella. Hopefully she can go with us next time.